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A simple Chrome extension that fixes signing into's Canvas.

See a 1-minute demo here.

How does this work?

  • When you install the app, the settings page is opened.

  • There, you choose whether you log in via Google (students/staff) or via Canvas (parents).

    • This result is saved, via Chrome messaging to the background script, in Chrome Synced Extension Storage.
  • When you visit the Family Portal, a webRequest lister is called, which then calls performRedirect.

  • performRedirect figures out the URL to forward to.

    • If the requesting URL includes the dtech_canvas_fixer_no_redirect query param with a value of true, nothing happens.
    • If it's been more than 24 hours since the last URL map fetch, it fetches the URL map from (this is hosted from the gh-pages branch on this repo!). This way, if the sign in URLs are updated later, an extension update isn't needed.
  • performRedirect calls chrome.tabs.update to redirect the tab to the new URL.

  • If an error occurred, the backend redirects the user to the no-redirect Family Portal URL.

Building and running

This extension is written in TypeScript, and is compiled via Webpack.

  1. yarn install | npm i
  2. yarn start | npm run start
  3. Go to chrome://extensions
  4. Enable developer mode (top right)
  5. Click 'Load unpacked'
  6. Point to the bin folder in this repo
  7. Edit some code!

If you want to compile a production release, just run yarn build or npm run build after completing the above steps. That will put compiled files into the bin/ folder.


Contributions are welcome! Please note that this code is GPLv3 licensed, and uses yarn - PRs that include an NPM lockfile (package-lock.json) will need to be converted to yarn.